Monday, 7 September 2015

Metal manipulation

I have been doing experiments to try to give the metal parts a more spontaneous and softer character. I would like to remove the rigidity and manufactured qualities inherent to metal materials. The figures below show some of the attempts...

I have decided to try to replicate the flow effect in the metal pieces using computer modelling and before I knew it, I was drifted into the following thrilling models!

Inflatable series

Soft metals??? Inflatable metal forms??? These forms remind me some pieces of Kim Buck that were on display in Munich during Schmuck 2015:

Kim Buck, Pumpous (2011), Schmuck 2015, photo by Eva Fernandez

Kim Buck, Pumpous (2011), Schmuck 2015, photo by Eva Fernandez
Looking a bit more into his work. I found really interesting his delicate conceptual work using metal foil for inflatable pieces. You can have the pleasure to navigate around his website to see his amusing and unconventional work (